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Description:Ads Institute is a Google Ads agency that assists businesses in creating and optimizing Google AdWords campaigns to achieve their goals. The website also contains information about landing pages, which are webpages designed for advertising campaigns where users "land" after clicking on a link or an ad. Ads Institute offers training in Google Ads, providing education on best practices for both businesses and their clients. They also provide training in TikTok Ads and offer examples of campaigns they've studied during their previous training sessions. Ads Institute discusses important landing page metrics to track for the success of advertising campaigns, including conversion rate and bounce rate. They also showcase 35 of the best landing page examples to inspire advertisers, including companies like Canva, Mailchimp, and Intercom. Overall, Ads Institute appears to be a valuable resource for businesses looking to improve their advertising campaigns, whether through Google Ads or other platforms like TikTok. They also provide insights into landing page optimization and offer examples of successful landing pages.

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Category:Business: Marketing and Advertising
Approved on:10 30, 2023
Submitted on:10 30, 2023
Owner:Sean Fenech
