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Description:Providing the Wiccan & Pagan communities with the wares they need to practice, proclaim and explore their faith. Wiccan supplies include Book of Shadows, wiccan/pagan supplies, spell kits, magick wands, pagan jewelry, divination supplies and more. There’s a special section for Wiccan newbies, kids, and for non-pagans gift shopping for pagan friends and family. Come on in and sit a spell…
Aditional Resources: Blank Book of Shadows
Original Book of Shadows Artistic Pages
Amulets & Tailsmans
Ritual Wear, Capes & Caftans
Divination Supplies
Essential Oils
Spell Kits
Tools, Ritual & Spell Supplies
Witchy Pleasures
Category:Shopping: Religious: New Age
Approved on:11 01, 2012
Submitted on:11 01, 2012
Owner:Caileigh McDonald
